Ways To Transform Your Marriage

1.) Hang out.

When you’re angry or hurt, you want to pull away, but that only creates distance. To heal, you must connect. Before a couple lives together, they purposely spend time together by visiting each other and going on dates.

2.) Don’t talk about your problems.

Of course there’s a place for addressing issues, but first connect. Talk for the sake of talking. Hang out for the sake of hanging. Living in your issues doesn’t get you out of them, building relationship skills that foster love and closeness does.

3.) Give quality attention

Be conscious of doing so for at least a half hour a day. Shut your computers and put your phones away. Watch how much more there is to learn about each other, and how good it feels to value time together without distractions or other obligations. There is literally nothing more important to do than nurture your relationship.

4.)Share in each other’s worlds

osh and I like to cuddle, share a laptop, and look at houses or laugh together while browsing memes on Imgur. We can easily zone out on our own computers, and although that’s nice too, sharing one helps us learn more about each other. Share your hobbies with your partner, and take part in his, too.